Gratitude Project - Week 10

For some reason this past week has been crazy productive for me. I have been on top of things like never before and I'm loving it. It's like... am I at a place finally where I can manage my time well and be happy getting things done?! I think I might be at that point. It's awesome and it's so relieving. Maybe it's just the beautiful weather that we've been having lately but I feel as if something is shifting in a way that makes me not believe that it's all credited to the bright sunshine streaming through the windows.

Honestly, I think that I can credit multiple things for feeling this way. Small moments of change throughout your daily life can add up in a big way over time. Then one day you wake up and it hits you that you're doing things you want, you're actually living and it's really, really great.

DAY 65

 I'm always interested in eating a lot of pancakes. I didn't get the brunch that I wanted today so I took matters into my own hands and made these instead.

DAY 66

I took the dogs for a walk today and it was so nice. The air was a bit chilly but the sun was shining and the birds were chirping. So many birds were out and I kept smiling because Spring is so near. I am so close to being done with another winter and it is so relieving.

DAY 67

Today was so beautiful. I feel as if I got so much accomplished and I love that feeling. I did my usual yoga this morning followed by meditation because let's be honest, I need to get back into doing that daily 📿 Then I got ready and went to work. On the way there I washed and cleaned my car. After work I did a very cheap and successful grocery haul (I bought so much cereal omg) then cleaned a bit more at home. Roxy and I went for an extra long walk today because it was so nice out. I'm excited to be able to do that everyday again. I also worked on an orange cream slush recipe and a banana bread recipe after work. Loving recipe testing lately! Can't wait to do final tests and photos, and share them with you all. Productive, happy Monday!

DAY 68

Tonight we went for a long walk and Roxy got to go swimming. I feel like I keep saying this but... IT WAS SO NICE OUT. After Roxy was done swimming she picked up a rock and carried it in her mouth the whole way home just like she always does. I can't wait to do this almost every day once again. It's so relieving to be able to walk outside without shoes and take Roxy swimming or do whatever I want. Love it! Oh and after all of that we made some very delicious pancakes.

DAY 69

Driving with the windows down, doing my workout outside, seeing tons of geese and other birds, first bike ride of the year, taking Roxy swimming, watching the sunset, walking in my bare feet, open windows at work, not wearing a coat and boots, eating this chocolate ice cream cone after work.

DAY 70

I went grocery shopping today and bought a ton of fresh foods that I used to cook myself a delicious dinner (and made enough leftovers that I'll be eating it for days). Also spent some time with my favorite dog, of course. Not much to say today but that's okay, coming up with these posts each day isn't as easy as I initially though. But I love the challenge and honestly the fact that I've posted on Instagram for 70 days straight is an accomplishment in itself. So I'm excited to keep it going and learn how to get even more creative and evolve into creating better content.

DAY 71

Today I completed the banana bread recipe I've been working on. And might have ate almost half of the loaf... whoops! But I spent so much time outside biking, doing yoga, drying Roxy off each time she decided to go swimming on her own, and just being happily productive. I realized that I didn't take any pictures today except the ones from my banana bread recipe which is very unusual for me! But I like to see that as a sign that I was living in the moment and feeling content doing so.

That's another week of gratitude moments in the books! Much love to you, until next time. xo

Banana Bread - Vegan/Oil Free

What I Ate - Starbucks & Ben + Jerrys