Mango Blueberry Smoothie

Here I am with another smoothie recipe for you. If you didn't catch on already to the fact that I'm a smoothie fanatic, then you will soon enough! I mean, what is better than throwing a bunch of delicious fruits and veggies into your blender and drinking refreshing (and nutritious) drinks?! I can't think of very many things better than that. Especially on a perfect summer night.

I got home from work tonight a little later than expected and wanted to go on a short run before the sun went down. By the time I got home it was about an hour before my bed time! Yeah, I'm usually in bed around 10. But it's Friday so I figured that I'd blog some and wait until 11 or so. I know, party animal! Anyways, I decided to just make a quick post-run smoothie to cool me down and eat up some of the delicious blueberries that my mom and I picked yesterday.

Mango Blueberry Smoothie

Serves 1

1 mango diced
1 cup bluberries
1/2 cup coconut milk
1/2 cup greek yogurt
2 cups ice

Throw everything into your blender. Blend, blend, blend. Enjoy!

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