Huge News

I've been wanting to post about this for the longest time now. It's something I'm really, really excited about. Especially now since it's official and I actually can post about it. Well I could before, but I didn't want to jinx it! So you're probably wondering what the big news is, right?!

Get ready.



Yeah, the Strala yoga studio owned by TARA STILES. Please excuse me while I cry uncontrollably due to overexcitement of life right now.

This is such a huge deal for me. I am so passionate about yoga. I practice every day. I want to be able to share the joy that I get out of it with others and hopefully help them reach a state of peace and contentedness within themselves like yoga has helped me achieve. I want to show everyone that anyone can do yoga no matter what. It is for everyone and I love that. I really am just so passionate about it all. It means so much to me and has changed who I am as a person.

I am so excited to earn this experience to grow as a person and grow into a yoga teacher. This is life changing for me and I am so grateful to be given an opportunity like this.

Just two short months ago I quit my merchandise coordinator job at a retail store and had no plan of a future whatsoever. It was scary, yet so relieving. I was getting rid of unnecessary stress in my life. But as of recently I've been feeling uneasy about the future and what would become of it. I don't feel that way anymore though. This is proof that good things will happen if you work hard enough and are passionate enough about something. You can achieve anything. I know that I haven't even went to this program yet, let alone completed it. But three months before I'm even starting the program, I know that it will be worth it. I can feel it. It can happen to you too. Not yoga teacher training, unless that's what you want. Then DO IT. I mean, getting what you want, reaching a goal, achieving a dream. It can happen! If you don't know what route you're going right now, that's okay. You'll figure it out. You can do it and you will if you work hard enough. Keep your head up and keep your eye on the prize. Everything works out in the end.

I'm excited to share this journey towards my goals with all of you! I won't be starting until September, but it's still a journey to get there to that point and I hope that you'll all enjoy following me along the way.

"All of our dreams can come true - if we have the courage to pursue them."   -Walt Disney

Thanks for reading. (:

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