Baked Apple Chips

Summer is nearing.. Well not really, I mean technically there's still over a month until it's actually summer. But it's beginning to feel like summer and that's what really matters! Today was so beautiful here. I spent a lot of my day outside enjoying the weather. But I did make some baked apple chips this morning!

I'm not a big fan of apples. I won't grab an apple as a snack or anything. But today I just had an urge to make these and they're really addictive! Plus they're really really easy to make, which is always nice when you have other things you want to do but also want a quick and healthy snack!

Baked Apple Chips

2 apples (makes about 48 chips)

Preheat your oven to 225° Take two apples, you can choose any kind of apple that you'd like, and slice them with a mandolin slicer. I just have a cheap off brand slicer, but it still works well for this. I believe mine was between $20-$30. I recommend taking out the apple seeds too! Don't forget, you don't want those seeds! Lay out your apple slices on a cookie sheet. Don't overlap the apples or they won't get crispy. I highly recommend using parchment paper. I ran out and had quite the mess on one of my cookie sheets.

Sprinkle cinnamon on the apples. Place the cookie sheets in the oven for 1 hour. After the hour is up, take the apples out of the oven and flip them over. Then place them back into the oven for 1 more hour. Take them out of the oven and let them cool completely. Then enjoy!

One of my favorite things to do during the summertime is to read outside. I read so much more in the summer and I'm not sure why. I just enjoy ending my evenings with green tea, a good book, and the nice weather. What is one of your favorite ways to pass the time in the summer?

Fitness Friday!

Sweet Potato Fries and Lemon Baked Chicken