Bridge The Gap

As I opened up my computer to write today, I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to share but it quickly came to me, as I believe things do when you’re committed to showing up for yourself.

Bridging the Gap.

Getting from where I am to where I want to be.

Here’s the thing, by now I know what works for me and what doesn’t.

I know what sets me up for success each day because I’ve done it time and time again for years, until I didn’t.

A New Direction

Hello, hello!


This is the longest time that I’ve went without updating this site in….. 6 years!

Six. Years.


Here’s the thing, I’ve been going THROUGH IT for the past 2 ish years. Basically, since September 2017 things have been you know, kind of a crazy disaster. From my health, to my job situations, to other things that I won’t mention - it’s all been pretty up in the air and for someone as structured and detailed as I am, it’s been TOUGH.