Nutty Post Workout Milkshake - Vegan

Okay, don't let the title fool you. You can definitely make this shake anytime. It definitely doesn't have to be after a workout. But for some reason after you've been pushing yourself and sweating away your stresses for a bit this milkshake tastes ten times better. Working out is pretty awesome. I hope that you agree only because I don't want you to miss out on all of the fun that can occur while getting your sweat on. I think that a lot of people look at being physically active as a chore and it shouldn't be that at all! It should be fun, really fun. Find an activity that you enjoy and do it. It'll be great. Your body loves to move (regardless of you believe that or not, it's true) and it loves to be refueled with awesome treats afterwards which is obviously where this milkshake comes in.

This milkshake is so smooth and rich. Oh my gosh. It's pretty frosty too which will cool you right down. The nutty filling gives this simple recipe super powers, for real. When you make this you'll end up with enough nutty filling for about 4 or 5 milkshakes. Just store it in the fridge and go back to it for a post workout snack all week long. Or sneak bits of it throughout your day on its own because it's amazing that way too. Trust me.

Make this now and fall in love!

Nutty Post Workout Milkshake

Serves 1

Nutty Filling:
1 cup almonds, soaked
1 cup dates
1/2 cup cashews, soaked
3 tablespoons coconut water
1 tablespoon maple syrup
Drop of vanilla

Blend together all ingredients until smooth. You will have a lot of extra. Eat it on it's own or save it for future smoothies!

Milkshake: 2 frozen bananas
1/2 cup almond milk
1/4 cup nutty filling

Blend together all ingredients until smooth. Serve, enjoy!

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